
Physiotherapy Degree Professor

Updated: May 06, 2024 07:15 AM GMT

Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio

Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio

Villanueva de la Cañada

If you want to develop your professional career as a Physiotherapy Degree Professor at the first private University in Spain within the Faculty of Health Sciences, this is your opportunity. Fields of study for those we are looking for professors: * Physiotherapist’s career * Communication in health sciences * Statistics * Biophysics * Psychology * Medicine At UAX you will find an opportunity to develop and grow as a professional in an institution in full expansion. Our mission is to generate an environment of innovation and deep learning, where the university community and companies contribute to the sustainable development of the society. We assess diverse and equal opportunities. We encourage all qualified people to apply to be part of our teams, regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, origin, religion, race, and disability. We believe in diverse teams as they enrich our culture and contribute to achieve our mission. Main mission of the job title: To teach courses within the... More Detail

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